Cornerstone offers a variety of options for keeping children engaged during the summer. Please email with questions and to reserve your spot for camp.

1. Kindersmusik Summer camp
For ages 3-7 yrs. Snack and craft included. Enroll for Kindermusik camp at See attachment for full details.

2. New Student Camp
Each new student entering Grades Two and up will be required to take a mathematics placement test and a grammar placement test and may choose either June 2nd or 9th. Based on these test results we will ask students to attend at minimum four sessions throughout the summer for tutoring before school starts. All new students entering Grades Two and up will be asked to attend at minimum of four sessions of Latin camp.
Dates: June 16, 23, 30 July 7, 14, 21, and 28
Times: 8:00 – 9:00 Math
9:00 – 10:00 Grammar
10:00 – 11:00 Latin

3. The Mysterious Benedict Society Book Club
Join other Cornerstone students this summer as meet to discuss The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee
Stewart! This book club will meet twice in June and twice in July to discuss the adventures of Reynie, Kate, Constance,
and Sticky as they work with Mr. Benedict to defeat Mr. Curtain and his nefarious Ten Men. This book club is for students entering Grade Two or above this fall. Children may come either having read it individually or having listened to it as a family read-aloud. A minimum of 10 children must register to make this camp viable. Let us know by May 17th if you would like to attend so we can order your copy. We will discuss the first seven chapters at our first meeting. Register soon to get your copy of TMBS in time to prepare for the first meeting!
Cost: $30.00 (includes the book)
Dates: June 9, June 23, July 14, and July 28
Times 1:00-2:00 pm. The nature studies garden and playground will be open for family playtime following the Book

4. Academic Refresher Camp
Grammar, writing, and math review for the upcoming year. Open to students entering Grades Two through Grade Six.
This is camp is for anyone who wants to jumpstart their child’s learning for next year.
Grammar 8:00 – 9:55.
Math 10:00– 11:55.
You may choose to attend one or both. A minimum of 8 students for each section must register to make this
camp viable.
Cost: $30 per child
Dates: August 2-6th
Times: Grammar 8:00 – 9:55.
Math 10:00 – 11:55.

5. ***FULL–Registration Closed*** Multi-Sports Camp
Ages 4-7. Enjoy a day of baseball, basketball, golf, and soccer. Each day will focus on one sport with time to learn skills,
read a story about that sport, and work on a character trait that will help you be a good sport.
Cost: $30
Dates: June 14th – 17th
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Summers at Cornerstone

6. Baseball and Softball Camp
A minimum of 8 students must register. Students entering Grades Three through Six. This is a camp for any skill level. We will have three coaches to work with different skill levels. This camp will meet at the baseball field behind the VFW.
Cost: $30.00
Dates: July 19th – 22nd
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

7. Health and Fitness Camp
Students entering Grades Six and up. This camp will focus on nutrition, basic cardio, and lightweight lifting.
Dates: August 2nd – 5th
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

8. Tech Camp
Students entering Grades Five through Nine. A hands-on technology camp with a customized take-home project
Cost: $15 for supplies.
Dates: July 26th – 29th
Times: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

PDF Cornerstone Camp flyer.

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